MPMOM News and Updates
All of our news and updates can be found on our Facebook page. This page is our go-to for our members. Below are some fundraisers and events that we have done in the past.
Holiday Wreath Fundraiser
October 21, 2020
It's that time of year again!!! MPMOM is offering holiday wreaths from Mickman Brothers, a Green company in Minnesota,. They have UNBELIEVABLE prices on wreaths with options for local or direct ship.
Please find link on Facebook for prices, ordering instructions or contact
PICK-UP is at Laura Miranda-Browne's house in Plainfield
Here is what it all looks like: [](
Thanks for you support!!
MPMOM September Birthdays
September 01, 2020
Happy Birthday to all the September babies!!
Valerie Hannah
Debbie Toplansky
A Mom's Best Friend - Shopping at Amazon Has Even More Benefits
Why not support MPMOM. It is really simple all you have to do is do your regular Amazon shopping at and AmazonSmile will donate to MPMOM!
Always Look for Ways to Be a Better Parent
November 13, 2018
We all struggle with tantrums, behavioral issues, outbursts, boundary testing, etc, but where do your turn for advice. MPMOM welcomed Perry Bell earned his Psy. D. From Rutgers University to speak on the topic. Mr. Bell is currently a full-time clinician in the Center for Child and Family Development in Morristown, NJ. Within the practice, Dr. Bell sees children and families to provide skills, strategies and therapy for a wide range of developmental issues. Prior to joining the practice last Spring, he was the Upper School counselor for the Pingry School. Dr. Bell specializes in the ways in which social- emotional skills and character development can be taught and facilitated in therapy, home and schools. He has published in research journals, textbooks and local newspaper outlets. He offered very poignant and realistic advice and tools for our moms!!
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